Sunday, February 22, 2009

Do all your shopping... at Wal-Mart!

NPR's This American Life just ran a segment on a study by two researchers named Komar and Melamid on which aspects of music people loved the most. From their results, they were able to produce a song that would be statistically likely to be liked by atleast 72 +/- 12% of all people (a love song. low tonality. a black woman's voice).


They also composed the statistically WORST song!!

Including content about:
obscure holidays. cowboy music. walmart. oh, and the national anthem.

as well as:
tubas. opera. banjos. rapping. children singing. bagpipes.

At one point, a kid yells unlikeable words through a megaphone, and I think I heard "Two party system!" and "George Stephenopoulos!" in there.


so here it is:

My favorite part of it all are the segments on: Ramadan, Labor Day, and Yom Kippur.

There's an article about it here:

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