Sunday, January 25, 2009

The passing of an era, the ending of an age...

Kids are chumps for video games. They'll give up their younger brother or sister for an early release of the new Starcraft sequel or the next patch in World of Warcraft, and some adults will, too.

I've been wondering for many a year when my time would come, when I would reach that fateful day when I realized "I'm not into video games".  (I swore to myself I would be a gamer all my life, into full adulthood, so I could play with my children one day)

While my loftier thoughts would admit that the form of narrative changes from culture to culture, I seem to be having trouble getting past this:

It's over.

I like to believe that it was all worth it, that either I'm a better driver with enhanced motor skills or that I have more improved peripheral vision than the non-gaming population.

I don't think I'm entirely empty-handed... it was a sweet ride and the stories I experienced served to set my moral compass in a way that is mine and mine only, but the ride is over, chief.

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